Canada Peace in Ukraine Stamp
- Details
Published on 05 May 2022
Written by UPNS Admin
Hits: 7896

The Ukrainian Collectibles Society (Toronto) is proud to announce a new Canada Post Picture Postage
™ stamp proclaiming Canada’s support for Ukraine during the unprovoked and illegal full-scale invasion by the Russian Federation. The stamp design features a peace dove with an olive branch. The Permanent
™ domestic rate stamp can be used to mail a letter anywhere in Canada or kept as a souvenir.
Five dollars from each item will be donated to Friends of Ukraine Defense Forces Fund ( You can make an additional donation on your purchase.
DONATIONS RAISED TO DATE (Pleadged and Sent) $ 1,470
This Picture Postage stamp is not available at Canada Post offices and must be ordered directly from the Ukrainian Collectibles Society (Toronto). If you have any questions, please send to . To order click on the order form link to download and follow the instructions on the form.
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