Ukrainian Philatelic and Numismatic Society

Promoting Ukrainian stamps, coins and other collectibles

Marka Ukrainy stamp issues for  September 5, 2008


Date of Issue September 5, 2008
Series Ukrainian Song
Name Carols
Denomination 1 UAH
Layout Pane of 8 stamps
Product No 945 (1.00 UAH)
Order 8-3644 07.07.2008
Design Myckola Kochubei
Quantity 200,000
Dimensions 30 mm x 40.5 mm (vertical)
Perforations comb - 13 1/4
Protection: microtext “М. Кочубей” (M. Kochubei); State emblem of Ukraine, word “Ukraine” luminesce under UV light
Description: Sheet selvages bear decorative design; text on sheet selvages: “На небі зірка ясна засяла І ясним світлом сіяє, Хвиля спасення нам завітала, - Се бо Христос ся рождає”.


Date of Issue September 5, 2008
Series Ukrainian Song
Name Spring Songs
Denomination 1 UAH
Layout Pane of 8 stamps
Product No 946 (1.00 UAH)
Order 8-3643 07.07.2008
Design Mykolai Kochubei
Quantity 200,000
Dimensions 30 mm x 40.5 mm (vertical)
Perforations comb - 13 1/4
Protection: microtext “М. Кочубей” (M. Kochubei); State emblem of Ukraine, word “Ukraine” luminesce under UV light
Description: Sheet selvages bear decorative design; text on sheet selvages: “Заспівайте, паняночки, Веселої гаївочки. Най ся мати утішає - Ісус Воскресає!”


Date of Issue September 5, 2008
Series Ukrainian Song
Name Cossack Songs
Denomination 1 UAH
Layout Pane of 8 stamps
Product No 947 (1.00 UAH)
Order 8-3646 07.07.2008
Design Mykolai Kochubei
Quantity 200,000
Dimensions 30 mm x 40.5 mm (vertical)
Perforations comb - 13 1/4
Protection: microtext “М. Кочубей” (M. Kochubei); State emblem of Ukraine, word “Ukraine” luminesce under UV light
Description: Sheet selvages bear decorative design; text on sheet selvages: “Стоїть явір над водою, в воду похилився, На козака пригодонька, козак зажурився. Не хилися, явороньку: ще ти зелененький! Не журися, козаченьку: ще ти молоденький!”


Date of issue September 5, 2008
Series Ukrainian Song
Name Chumak Songs
Denomination 1 UAH
Layout Pane of 8 stamps
Product No 948 (1.00 UAH)
Order 8-3645 07.07.2008
Design Mykolai Kochubei
Quantity 200,000
Dimensions 30 mm x 40.5 mm (vertical)
Perforations comb - 13 1/4
Protection microtext “М. Кочубей” (M. Kochubei); State emblem of Ukraine, word “Ukraine” luminesce under UV light
Description Sheet selvages bear decorative design; ”; text on sheet selvages: “У ніч темную та й до білої днини Ішли чумаченьки з України. Та й ішли чумаченьки, чумаченьки з України, Та й стали спочити край долини”

Marka Ukrainy stamp issues for September 17, 2008




Date of Issue September 17, 2008
Name Se-tenant Ukraine - Azerbaijan
Design Oleksandr Kalmykov
Quantity 150,000
Order 8-3727 04.08.2008
Protection on sheet selvages: microtext "О. Калмиков" (O.Kalmykov); face values and word “Ukraine” luminesce under UV lights on each stamp
Description Sheet selvages bear decorative design. Texts on selvages: "Скронева прикраса колт з експозиції Музею історичних коштовностей України. Яскравий і самобутній приклад ювелірного мистецтва київських майстрів XII-XIII ст.", "Фрагмент шийної багатоярусної прикраси "богазалти" - унікального експонату з Музею історії Азербайджану. Рідкісний зразок майстерності азербайджанських ювелірів XIX ст.", text "Україна - Азербайджан" and "Спільний випуск" on Ukrainian and Azerbaijan


Name Kolt. XII-XIII с.
Denomination 2.47 UAH
Product No 949 (2.47 UAH)
Dimensions 29.58 mm x 33.06 mm (horizontal)
Name Bohazalty. XIX с.
Denomination 3.33 UAH
Product No 950 (3.33 UAH)
Dimensions 29.58 mm x 33.06 mm (horizontal)


The majestic, silver airship Graf Zeppelin (Count Zeppelin) ruled the uncluttered skies of the late 1920s and early 1930s like no other monarch could. The sight of the sleek, silent ship gliding overhead brought crowds of people streaming from their homes and into the streets. No other aircraft in history has been the focus of so much admiration by so many people.

Postage Prepayment Impressions Development Directorate of USEP “Ukrposhta” has posted the following news on their website with regards to the upcoming reorganization of the recently created Directorate (formerly Marka Ukrainy):

Since the publication of my President’s message in the December 2008 Trident Visnyk, I have received good news from Ukraine.  Valentyna Khudoliy has informed me in a letter that the reorganization at the former Marka Ukrainy is now complete and that the main difference is a change in the name of the Directorate, which was changed to avoid confusion with another commercial venture in Ukraine with a very similar name.  Staffing remains the same and the organization is stable with Mrs. Khudoliy continuing at the helm.  At her request, I am rescinding my call for letters on her behalf, as they are not needed.

Mrs. Khudoliy indicated that philatelic materials will continue to be available through their website ( and that stamp issues for 2009 are on track and will be issued according to plan.